- #Component video to vga converter circuit 1080p#
- #Component video to vga converter circuit Pc#
- #Component video to vga converter circuit ps3#
- #Component video to vga converter circuit tv#
Normally they're used with guncons or other accessories that need access to a V-sync signal but this version has an s-video port. It does composite and s-video but also has a pass-thru port for standard Multiout cables. Do you have a picture or link to a picture that shows the cords needed? I understand what a y-cable is, but not sure about the one with "two cables coming out." If you still don't get anything, you'll probably need to get a converter.Thanks. If you don't get a picture, swap the green and y-cable. Then you plug in the other end of the y-cable and connect it to the other rca plug on the s-video->rca cable. Next you take the y-cable and plug in the blue/red cables into the end with two plugs on one side. So what do you is connect the green plug into the one of the rca ends on the s-video cable that corresponds to the luma signal. S-Video -> RCA cable (the kind with two cables coming out) Your mileage may be vary but it's worth a shot.

#Component video to vga converter circuit tv#
I tried this with an Apple TV as well and it didn't work but another dvd player (Toshiba) I had did. I did this on my pioneer dvd player which only does composite/component and hooked it up on my tv that only has composite/s-video inputs. You might want to try this before you take the plunge and buy some expensive converters.
#Component video to vga converter circuit ps3#
The Gamecube is reasonable because it has a separate output, like the PS3 does, but for the rest of them it looks like I'm going to have to get an expensive box. My goal is too eliminate this step (no unhooking). Right now, when I go to record from one of them, I have to unhook the component connection and temporarily put in a composite or s-video cord. I have them all routed though a component switchbox with four clickable buttons. So the PS3 is fine, but my goal is to be able to record from my Wii, Gamecube, PS2, and original Xbox. You can't output both ways at the same time, as you suspected. When I want to record gameplay, I go through the PS3 menu and tell it to output s-video. I have an HDMI and S-video cable plugged into it at all times. Again this is only if the systems will output on both.I've been able to play and record fine with my PS3. Or, play in component video and record using a HDMI capture device, thou those are expensive as well. Or use an HDMI to component convertor and record in S-Video.
#Component video to vga converter circuit Pc#

Has a loop-out for connecting to a local monitor.Provides output picture adjustment on contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, sharpness, rgb (color tone) level and aspect ratio size.
#Component video to vga converter circuit 1080p#